Long overdue, my new personal website is finally here.
Originally launched with my federal election campaign for MP of Kootenay-Columbia riding in 2000, the site always had the look of “home made”. Which it was. I did a quick design and upload with the now obsolete MS FrontPage tools. I was in a hurry, because I was already late announcing my candidacy in a fast and furious five-week campaign.
Now it is fourteen years later and time to use WordPress and professionals to do it right. All part of the re-design project for my professional and author websites also. Thank you to Symetris Web developers for quality of design and performance. With a little help from Go Daddy for hosting and access services.
See also: LearningEntrepreneurship.com and DirectTech Solutions
All much better, don’t you think?
The content and updates are still up to me and your feedback is much appreciated.
Thank you for visiting.