More news on Dale Hunter
And more Free books!
Many of you following me or subscribing to my author newsletter are here because of the free books you signed up for and that’s OK. I’m happy to have new readers any way I can and even John Grisham advises that you have to give away a lot of books before you’ll ever sell a lot of books. I’ve given away lots. It’s allowed me to boast that I have enthusiastic readers and fans in over fifteen countries, whether they paid for the books or not.
And if you’re looking for more FREE books here’s the link to this month’s offering:
CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS – A wide-ranging selection of free E-books from more than thirty authors. Including the Dale Hunter Thriller, MERGER MANIAC.
The writers, of course, expect something in return for the favour of free books. Not a lot, just a referral, or recommendation to other readers, or posting review comments will be appreciated. The writers do have high hopes, however, that they’ll actually sell more books as a result of the giveaways. Let’s occasionally reward their efforts and meet their hopes and expectations.
In other news
I’m making progress on the planned book launch for the Dale Hunter Thriller Series, novel #4, BAD BOYS IN BOSTON. The cover and interior designs are nearly complete and I’m starting to line up all the pre-launch activities of announcements, advertising, marketing on social media, pre-ordering arrangements and promotional events at bookstores. You’ll soon be hearing more and I’ll be asking for my MVP readers and reviewers to take a look at the advance copies next month. Let me know if you want to be on that list.
Meanwhile, I’m working on the final edits of Novels #5 and #6 in the series, CRASH LANDING and WHATEVER IT TAKES, for release over the next twelve months and continuing to write articles and short stories for publications. You may be interested in my Feature Article at Mystery & Suspense Magazine and some of the other articles and stories there for readers and fans of crime fiction.
Author events and activities with Crime Writers of Canada are also keeping me busy and I’m looking forward to a special event in my home town “ The Montreal Mystery Festival – Montreal Mystère where I’ll be participating as a panel host and moderator. The event will be both virtual and in person on May 24th and May 25th. Learn more at:
Enjoy your reading and writing. Thank you for your interest in my books,
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