More Free Books?
Thriller Giveaway! And the last chance for Merger Maniac 
It’s a pleasure to share some new authors and their books with you. I’m happy to introduce myself to new readers any way I can and and even John Grisham advises that you have to give away a lot of books before you sell a lot of books. I’ve given away lots.
It’s allowed me to boast that I have enthusiastic readers and fans in over fifteen countries, whether they paid for the books or not.
For more FREE books this month here’s the link:
Quality choices for you to browse and make your selections. This promo includes the Dale Hunter Thriller, MERGER MANIAC. Last chance for a free copy!
The writers, of course, expect something in return for the gift of free books. Not a lot – just a referral, or recommendation to other readers, or posting review comments will be appreciated. The writers do have high hopes, however, that they’ll actually sell more books as a result of the giveaways. If you like the book let’s reward their efforts and meet their hopes and expectations.
In other news
I’m still planning to announce the launch of the next novel in the Dale Hunter Thriller Series, BAD BOYS IN BOSTON on April 1st. Subscribers to this newsletter will be offered special access to the Advance Review Copy, so don’t unsubscribe now. Stay tuned, it’s only day’s away!
Enjoy your reading and thank you for your interest in my books.