Nuns’ Island Journal • November 21, 2018 – Journal Île-des-Soeurs • le 21 novembre 2018
Page 5
Nuns’ Island resident Delvin Chatterson has
written and self-published his first novel, “NoEasy Money”, a thriller about a Montreal entrepreneur, Dale Hunter, who finds himself inadvertently involved with the Mafia after his
fledgling computer business is targeted for
protection money. His efforts to disentangle
himself put him and his family into life threatening
danger Chatterson is a long-time
entrepreneur and business adviser who has
written extensively on business topics; No Easy
Money is his first foray into writing fiction.
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Delvin Chatterson de L’Île-des-Soeurs a écrit et
publié lui-même son premier roman No Easy
Money, un roman à mystères mettant en vedette un
entrepreneur montréalais, Dale Hunter, qui se
retrouve malgré lui ciblé par la mafia qui exige de
l’argent pour « protéger » son entreprise
informatique. Ses tentatives de couper les liens
mettent non seulement sa vie, mais celle de sa
famille en danger. M. Chatterson est entrepreneur et
conseiller en gestion depuis bien des années et a écrit
nombre d’essais touchant au commerce. No Easy
Money est sa première tentative dans le monde de
la fiction.
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Around the Island
by David Leonardo