Politics and Community

Delvin Chatterson – Federal Liberal Candidate

Kootenay-Columbia riding – Campaign 2000     

Del Chatterson was raised in the East Kootenay and welcomed the opportunity to run for MP to represent Kootenay-Columbia in the Federal Election of 2000.  The campaign was a memorable experience.  New insights into the Canadian political process, some amusing incidents and a great personal learning experience.   

Although unsuccessful in the election, Del continued to work with Liberals in the Kootenay-Columbia riding of BC as well as with federal and provincial Liberals in the West Island ridings of Montreal.

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Del with Clifford Lincoln, former Liberal MP, and Paul Martin, former Prime Minister. 

A brief recap of images and events from the Liberal Campaign 2000 in Kootenay-Columbia.

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Monday, November 27 – ELECTION DAY.
The conclusion:  2nd place.

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